Thursday, May 7, 2009

Short post today

A very short post today - no pix. I'm just really really tired.

Whatever upset L's stomach last night hit me this morning. I'm feeling much better now - thanks to chicken broth, saltines, and Coca Cola!

L is doing fine! Today was pretty routine, so not much to say.

News on the adoption process though: The results from the 2nd DNA test were sent FedEx today to the US Embassy here in Guatemala. Pray that the Embassy gets them tomorrow (or Monday at the latest) and that we get an appointment for next Wednesday.

Glenn arrives midday on Tuesday - yahoo!!!!


  1. Yay, indeed! I'll contact Glenn to see if I can be of any help while he is gone.

    So fantastic!

  2. Yeah!!! You are really close to the end. This is awesome.


  3. Thanks! It will be soon enough when you get to meet Little Miss L yourselves!
