Friday, May 8, 2009

Catching up and a trip to the Children's Museum

Well, yesterday I just was not feeling well enough to post. So let's get caught up:

Yesterday is kind of a blur. Since I was so woozy in the morning, it took me a good long time to get up the energy to head to the supermarket for soup and saltines (plus pull-ups and some other essentials).

After that, we headed home for lunch. I made the soup. I could only find Knorr's packages which are so-so. They only had Campbell's cream of chicekn - not good for upset stomachs.

So it was soup & crackers for lunch. L ate more than me, I was just feeling so nauseous.

We both napped, and then the afternoon was Oakland Mall. Yes, this is my life - malls!

On the way there I taught her how to say "yee-haw" (which she pronounces "yee-kaw") because at some fast food place we ate she got a toy of Sponge Bob Square Pant's sidekick (I do not know his name) dressed as a cowboy. I call him her "vaquero" and tell her he says "Yee-haw, como estas?" (See pic of her at top of this post)

We rode the carousel at Oakland Mall and L ran around a bit. It looked like it was going to pour, so I high-tailed it the 7 blocks home. But of course, the rain was nothing (until later that night).

What did we do for dinner? I don't even remember!

Today was better. I was still feeling a bit woozy at breakfast, but ate some of my cereal and fruit. L enjoyed toast with butter and fruit, and some juice. I actually drank some coffee too (had none yesterday).

I was determined to go to the Children's Musuem no matter how I felt. I'm so happy we did!

It is over by the airport, so we had to take a taxi. But there was a lot there for L to do!

She played with big cloth blocks, in the sand on a pretend beach, with giant bubbles, outside on the slides and the little play houses, and with a large floor puzzle that's in the shape of Guatemala with all the different departments (states).

There were also a lot of kids there which made it fun for her.

We got back home for lunch around noon. Left over soup which I could hardly eat, but L was happy.

Naptime was a bit of a struggle -- started to settle her at 1 and she didn't fall asleep until 2! Not boding well for bedtime. I gotta get up earlier so she can go to sleep earlier!

After nap, she woke up cheerful if slow to want to rise.

After some playtime with stickers (and me checking the FedEx site every other minute to see if her DNA test results had made it to the US Embassy yet), I decided I wanted Chinese food. So we headed to J.K. Ming, a swanky Chinese restaurant at Fontabella Plaza.

But before getting the food to take home, L ran between her two fave fountains for a while. Then she played on the big chess board with another little boy, moving the chess pieces around.

There was an art exhibit going on by the bigger fountain. I really liked one artist . But did I have time to really look at their work? No!

We took the food home, and L even tried chopsticks. She actually picked up some rice with them! She's a natural.

I was feeling much better by then. Plus I hadn't had Chinese food in ages -- it made me happy!

Bath was fun, as usual. L loves water, any kinds of water, can you tell?

I chatted with my friend, Carmelina, while L played with some stickers in her crib. Then I tried to settle her.

Tonight there have been three times when I thought she was settled but she wasn't. I'm hoping this last time (at 9:45) is really the last! Oy vey!

So on the DNA result tracking - the results got to Guatemala today but were NOT delivered to the U.S. Embassy. They are being held for pickup - at least that's what the FedEx site says. I think that just means the Embassy was closed when they tried to deliver.

Hoping for Monday a.m. and then we'll see about our appointment. Glenn will be her Tuesday, so even if we have to wait a week I will no longer be doing this alone. Yahoo!

I must say that every day me and Little Miss L become closer. She definitely calls me mommy all the time now, and she calls me when she's distressed, comes to me around strangers, and of course feels independent enough to tell me "no!" when she wants to.

So, three more days and then "daddy" is here (Tuesday, btw, is my one-month anniversary here !)

Oh, we've been calling Glenn to say "buenas noches." In fact, every time my phone rings she says "daddy." Too cute!

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